Welcome to RPB Coaching

RPB Coaching offers personalized training and diet advice, strategically tailored specifically to your needs.
Located in Newcastle, UK, our goal is to help you reach your health and fitness goals,
as we believe everyone can achieve their Real.Personal.Best.

About RPB Coaching

Phil Brown

Owner, Level 3 Personal Trainer and Online Coach
Based in the North East of England, I first started weight training over 30 years ago and have always had an interest in bodybuilding and nutrition.

Having built up a lot of knowledge and experience in that time,
I want to help pass that on to others who are just starting out in their fitness journey, and along with my wife, Claire, I decided to start RPB Coaching.

Training Plans

Training needs and preferences differ from person to person,
and there is no perfect split, or way to train.
However, based on your experience level, goals and training commitments, there is always a more efficient way of doing things. We can build a plan from scratch or look at your current training plans and propose a more effective strategies to help reach your goals.

Claire Brown

Level 2 Gym Instructor and Online Coach
Having started my career as a gym instructor I later became a teacher but always maintained an interest in sports and fitness, especially after having a family.

After I was introduced to weight training and started to learn more about nutrition, I quickly saw big changes in my strength and body composition. Now I am excited to help others in their fitness journeys with RPB Coaching.

Nutrition Plans

Whether your goals are to gain muscle or lose fat, we build personal nutrition plans to help you achieve your physique goals.
With a strong focus on macro and calorie tracking, we can build plans around your favorite foods and that fits your lifestyle. 

With over 30 years of experience in the field, we focus on long-term strategies to ensure sustainable results for our clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

We offer online training and nutrition plans for your specific needs, backed by data with careful monitoring to make sure you reach your goals. See our Prices and Packages page for more information. 

Do you offer online coaching?

Yes we offer remote online coaching as well as face to face, with frequent contact, check-ins and advice via phone, teams, social media or whatsapp.

How much does it cost?

We offer online packages from as little as £100.00 per month, with no contract. Other packages are also available, click on 'Get Started' above to learn more.

How do I get started?

Getting started is simple. For a free no-obligation consultation complete the form in the contact us page, or choose from one of our packages and check out securely online. Alternatively you can email us at phil@rpb-coaching.com.


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